Me and Sis Madison in our apartment
It was such an awesome week this past week! Lithuania is just an incredible place full of incredible people. I love them all. I am so blessed to be here now in Vilnius as a missionary; it has been the greatest experience. Although I can't speak or understand, I know the language will come :)
This week was great. We were able to visit Gedameno's tower, which is a cool old castle and tower on a green hill close to our apartment. Such a cool tourist site that overlooks the entire city.
View of Vilnius from Gedemino's Tower! |
We also ate at Forto Dvaros, which is a great authentic Lithuanian restaurant. I had borsk and fried cepeliniai.
Us four sisters at Forto Dvaros
They are both so good! This was in Old Towne, which is the area next to ours. We also bought cute amber rings because amber is a big thing here.
We have seen a lot of pretty sunsets that fill the whole sky. This city is so beautiful with all the churches and castle and sunsets. It is so gorgeous!
Beautiful Vilnius Sunset |
We had a lesson with two less actives this past week, and they are both so sweet. It was my first lesson in Lithuanian, and it was fun. I got the bearing a simple testimony part covered :)
On Wednesday we had a lesson set up with a potential investigator, and he came with three of his friends! We had them come to FHE with the single adults, and it was really cool. Two of them were actually muslim, but the other two are Catholic probably. We hope to meet with them again this week because they are so cool. At least one seems very interested in the gospel. Heavenly Father lead them right to us, so it was a very cool experience.
We also got to watch women's conference, and it was so good. We went to the senior couple's apartment, Elder and Sister Nuttal. They are the greatest people; we are so blessed to have them here. All of the speakers were great; I was sad when they each sat down. I learned so much from the spirit.
Elder Waters and I were able to meet with President and Sister Harding for additional training. They are the greatest mission president and wife ever.
Sister Madison and I were able to attend break the fast with the young adults. I talked with a few of them, and they are so awesome. They have such great faith, it was very cool for me to see.
One day when we were contacting, we saw a huge line of motorcycles roll through town. There was at least a 1000, no joke. It was kind of random, but cool to see. There are way more people here with motorcycles than I thought :) They kind of plugged of traffic a bit haha.
I also got caught on the bus without my bus pass, but they kindly let me go, which never happens. It was a merciful blessing. I will not forget it again!
We drink a lot of tea here, which I like. I never had tea before, so it was weird blessing my tea for the first time as a missionary. Of course it's fruit tea, so no worries. It is super good though.
I just want to testify that I know God knows each of us and is always there. I have received so much help from Him everyday. As we look for His hand in our lives each day, we will always see it. There is always something to be grateful for, and He always shows His love.
I love you all so much.