Monday, March 28, 2016

What a great week!

Happy Easter! Lithuanians boil eggs with onions to die them like this
Su Sventom Velykom!
Happy Easter!
We had a really great week this past week! It was crazy fast as usual. We were able to make some Easter eggs for our members for Easter.
 We also had choir practice a couple times this week as missionaries to sing on Saturday and SundayOn Saturday was the Easter Activity for the branch. We watched the new videos from the church for Easter, and us missionaries got to act in a little play. It was about Christ and His light that He gives to the world. He grants each of us His atonement, so that we can repent and be clean. What a great blessing!
On Thursday we got to travel to Kaunas for Zone Training. That was the first time I have ever done that!
Catching the bus to Kaunas for Training
Our district traveling to Kaunas for Zone Training
Kebobs for lunch on the train
On our way there
Kaunas bus station
All the sisters together at Zone Training
We talked about consecration as missionaries and how our motivation should come because of Christ. He truly is the reason for all we are able to do. 
On Friday we were able to do service and then visit a member later that day. She gave us onion boiled eggs for Easter. That is how Lithuanians color their eggs; it is super cool. They love their onions :)
On Saturday we were also able to visit the KGB Museum, about the history of the Lithuanian people during and after World War 2. It was very humbling to learn about their past and all that they went through as a people. 
KGB museum
For Easter we ate dinner at a member's house.
At the Benders for Easter dinner
We were able to focus on Christ and truly celebrate His resurrection. It is such a blessing that He truly lives today for each one of us. He suffered, died, and lives again so that each of us can receive peace and happiness in this life every day. And so that we can live forever with our families after this life. I know that God loves and knows each of us. He sent His son because He loves us. Christ is always there to lift and help us each day. 
I love you all so much. Have a wonderful week!
Love Sese Dzerman

Coming back into vilnius
Cool view of Vilnius!
Just egg attacking a door for Easter
My first Indian Restaurant! So good
Our Lithuanian lunch from Delanos
Ready to eat
Sister Griffin's first stat dog! Our seconds.... :)

Monday, March 21, 2016

Easter is coming!

Trip to Riga for Leadership Training
Us on the bus
It was super great!
I saw Sister Webb from the MTC at the Riga Church! 
We had a really great week here. We were able to meet with an awesome girl for the first time this week. We spent a lot of time talking about God and her beliefs.
She isn't really interested in learning more, but I really felt God's love for her in that lesson and for all His children. I truly do know that He is our loving Heavenly Father and that we can each have a personal relationship with Him.
I was also able to go on exchange with a sister here, and she is super awesome! It was weird to not be in a trio, but it was super great. We are still just contacting and trying to talk to lots of people. Love you all so much 
Love ses Dzerman
Second hand Sweater Selfie before Service

Sister Griffin wrote - Lithuanians here LOVE sour cream! So funny! We had an activity with popcorn and nachos and the members did not know how to eat popcorn so they started eating the popcorn with kidney beans and loads of sour cream. HAha!! They then came to us and asked what the recipe was for the popcorn and sour cream! I was dying laughing!!!
Us making nachos for the Meet the Mormon activity

Sister Madison wrote -  Friday night was our "Meet the Mormons" movie night for the public. We invited sooo many people and had a lot of people promise to come, but in the end i think there was one investigator and 5 members, and the rest were missionaries. We had a good time before the activity though helping the sister pop the popcorn and get nacho plates ready. The Lithuanians weren't sure what to do with the food we had set out on the table, so it was hilarious to see how excited they were about this great new "american" dish consisting of kidney beans, sour cream, and popcorn mixed together in a paper cup...and we also were laughing too hard to correct them.  
Cool view from the church
An investigator served us a traditional Lithuanian dinner
Pig ears - yum!?!
Fish on bread, wow. 
Gelatin filled with chicken or pig snout or some weird things
Us at the dinner :)

March Pictures

Cool building in centre
Just a cool tunnel in the centre, old town
These are bandelas or pastries that they sell in stores or in bakeries. Super good!!
​Cool church in centre
Another cool church
Went to Boom Burger for our second Preparation Day in centre
Other food this week - Boiled cepeliniai
Pig ears - yum!?!
Our dinner for the Relief Society Birthday party, the food is a chicken fillet filled with melted butter


We hiked up Gedimino's Tower even though it snowed all day. 
It was super pretty with the snow
I am knocking on the tower, what missionaries do best!
Us in front of the city
Beautiful Vilnius!
View of more of our area
Cool view of the city
Here is a view of part of our area from the top
Us on top of Gedimino's Tower
Us contacting Sister Griffin :)

Monday, March 14, 2016

Awesome week in March!

Sister Griffin's first prep day in Lithuania! By the white cathedral.

Going to Forto Dvaros to get Lithuanian food, in old town
It has been a really great week, time is just flying by!

I am loving this opportunity to serve with two great companions, being in a trio is super cool. We were able to meet with a lady from off the street. She brought her baby to the lesson, so it was a little bit crazy. But she was really sweet, and it was great to be able to teach. I know that the spirit is huge and critical in everything we do. He truly does tell us truth, and if we are willing to follow the revelation we receive, we will be guided right. 
This week we introduced Sister Griffin to some real Lithuanian food-boiled cepeliniai! It was pretty great. Pretty much soggy potatoe dough filled with a strange meat that tastes like beef. It was awesome. We also did a bit of touring around centre.
      At the restaurant for real Lithuanian food :)
Delicious boiled cepeliniai!
     ​   Getting gelato at Soprano's Restaurant
On Wednesday I traveled up to Riga for mission leadership conference to discuss our consecration as missionaries. I learned so much about the importance of reverance in meetings and allowing the spirit to always be with us. 
We were able to go to service again at the food bank in our sweaters from Humana, the D.I. here in Lithuania. We love doing service!
Then on Saturday we had a baptism, and it was awesome. It was a little crazy with the youth activity going at the same time, but it was a great experience. 
I know that God wants to help us everyday in our lives. He truly yearns for our happiness. His way and gospel and path is that true happinness and joy. We truly can change through His Son's atonement. Through Christ's Atonement, we can know God the Father and Jesus Christ. 
THere is an awesome new video by the church for Easter #Hallelujah. Definitely watch it! I love you all. Have a great week!
Love Sese Dzerman 
Our nice apartment

​Making Sister Griffin's first log - Lithuanian dessert called tinklinys