Me and Masa Webb |
Our cute companionship by the map :) |
Our mission! |
Laba Diena Seima ir Draugai
It was another great week in the MTC! A lot happened, once again :) So, we are actually not leaving the MTC for another week. We are not really sure why because the rest our mission is leaving on Monday, but the Lithuanians are being held back. I guess we didn't pass our language tests, haha. That's not really the reason, but we will try to step up our language skills during the extra week that we get. I know that the Lord has a reason for us being here another week, so we are excited for week 10! I am really grateful for the extra time that I have to prepare to help the people in Lithuania.
It will be really interesting because instead of 7 Lithuanians going to Lithuania in a week and a half, we are down to 4. Elder Wiley has been permanently reassigned to a service mission here in Utah, and Elder Lyon and Hassell have been temporarily reassigned to the Chicago, Illinois Mission because their visas won't come in time. So those two leave on Monday without us! Hopefully it is only for a transfer. It's been an interesting week! The flight plans should be comingtomorrow :)
Yesterday, we were able to skype again with an actual Lithuanian. I love it so much because it reassures us that there are actual people that speak this language and that we can sort of speak it too. It is so cool to feel the spirit as we invite others to come unto Christ.
Last night we were assigned to be the missionaries that teach an investigator in front of some of the new missionaries- the ones that came in yesterday. I remember being the new missionary nine weeks ago and watching the two Elders teach an investigator in front of us. I thought to myself that I could never do that. I could not just talk to a stranger, let alone in front of a huge crowd!! But, with God's help I did do that. And it was an incredible experience. I know that if we pray and ask for help, He will help us! We just need to trust in Him and not fear. This is His work and glory, and He is not an absent leader. He is here helping us now. I was pretty scared, but there is no reason to fear. Let us not be ashamed of Christ's gospel, for He is the only way and name that we can be saved. Heavenly Father is just waiting for us to ask Him for help. He is there with His hands outstretched. Through Christ, I have been able to learn a little bit of this language and bring others unto Him.
I am excited for this time I get here at the MTC. We will try to do this week right, haha! I love you all so much! You are the greatest.
Love Sese Dzerman
For Laura Rees, this is her friend Elder Jensen from Tremonton |
Me and Sis Kal |
Me and Sis Kho |
Our cute district with the Mangums.
Our Malay Elders
The Malay Elders are weird:) |
Our temple walk -don't mind my weird arm. |
Our trio |
Sis Howell, Sis Kho, me , Sis Kino. These are Sis Kho's companions, and I love them so much!
Here are the three of us. Good thing I look gorgeous :) |
With Sister Merkley on her way to the Ukraine |
For our cute mommies :)
Elder Hassell, me, Elder Lyon. They are companions now, the zone leaders. I was companions with Elder Hassell for like more than half of my time here. They are great.
These are my new compaions. Elder Seegmiller, me, then Elder Waters. They are awesome too!
These are the Latvians - Elders Neville and my technical companion, Masa Webb.
These are the other two Lithunanian Elders - Elder Jones and Elder Wiley are companions. |
Us again |
With one of my USU roommates, Sister Cook |